Thursday, May 9, 2013

Bird With A Broken Wing

I am a bird with a broke wing,
Hurt and unable to sing.
I lie down in despair,
In desperate need of repair,
Hoping for somebody to come and care.
I am unable to grace the wind,
To this dirty earth i am pinned.
Now I can only dream,
To touch the sky,
To happily soar,
The thrill of the wind made me roar.
I wish I would have seen where I was going,
I wish I had a way of knowing,
If I didn't have crashed into a tree,
There wouldn't have been a happier bird than me.

Monday, April 22, 2013


With all it's beauty and all it's might,
It makes up for an astounding sight.
We need to stop exploiting it please,
So we can rest under the canopy of trees.

It is a place for shelter,
A provider of food,
Us humans to it, can be sometimes so rude.

It has it's own aura,
It is engulfed in peace,
Only to be disturbed by the buzzing of bees.

The chirping of birds,
The clattering of leaves,
In a corner, a spider weaves.
At night, the owl hoots,
The snake hisses,
While ants go on exploring the underground riches.
Life in a forest goes round and round,
It's scenic beauty holds everyone spellbound.

rohan sehgal

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


I once gave up my passion,
I made a mistake,
I started following dreams which were fake.
I forgot what was important,
I did not realize,
What I was doing was full of lies.
My passion was stuck in a nook of my brain, 
I wasn't able to find it and I was going insane.

Once I had found it, I didn't let it go,
I held onto it in my highs and lows.
My passion to me was what ice cream is to a child,
It was irresistible and it made me wild.
It made me confident,
I held my head high,
Without it, It felt like I had dropped out of the sky.
I follow my passion,
I go to wherever it leads,
My passion is enough to fulfill my needs.

Rohan Sehgal
april, 16, 2013